Resources of marine geoecosystems
IEMELIANOV V.O., KIRIAKOV P.O., RYBAK O.M., PARSYHEV O.O., STUPINA L.V. Main factors impact on geo-ecosystems of water basins and risks of their destruction 3
IEVLEV M.M., CHUBENKO O.V., FEDORONCHUK N.O., IEMELIANOV V.O. Preliminary results of geo-archaeological research obtained during the 3rd International expedition of the R/V “Mare Nigrum” (01.06.2024 – 15.06.2024) 27
KOZLENKO M.V., KOZLENKO YU.V. Deep structure, tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon potential of the Kalamit swell (north-western shelf of the Black Sea) according to density modeling data 41
Minerals resources
NESTEROVSKYI V.A., DEIAK M.A., HRYSHCHANKA N.O. Microspherules in modern beach sediments of the north-western part of the Black Sea 62
Research methods
IEMELIANOV V.O., NASIEDKІN YE.І., KUKOVSKA T.S., DOVBYSH S.M. Method for effective separation of microplastic particles from bottom sediments 70
IEMELIANOV V.O., NASIEDKІN YE.І., KUKOVSKA T.S., FEDORONCHUK N.O., DOVBYSH S.M. Results of experimental research comparing the efficiency of marine samplers in researching the content of microplastics in bottom sediments 82
GORDIENKO V.V., TARASOV V.M. About the source of the Kursk magnetic anomaly 91