For Authors

Instructions for the Authors

The journal publishes original scientific, review, critical and discussion articles, as well as short reports on marine geology.

Articles are published in one of two languages ​​- Ukrainian or English. A structured abstract for an article of up to 1800 characters is presented in two languages.

The article includes: five to six keywords; information about the authors (last names, first names and patronymic names, names and addresses of organizations where they work, contact addresses and phone numbers, electronic addresses). Indicate the preferred contact e-mail for operational communication.

Articles up to 15 pages long (including figures, tables and references) are accepted electronically in DOC-format (A4 paper format, all 2 cm margins; Microsoft Word text editor, Times New Roman font, 11 pt, spacing between lines of text 1.5).

Drawings and photographs are presented in electronic form as separate files in the formats TIFF, JPG, GIF, EPS (with a raster resolution of 300 dpi) and CDR (version no higher than 11).

When typing the article, we ask you to use a comma, not a point, in decimal fractions; Do not manually transfer words from line to line; capitalize the names of the tables and the headings of their graph; References to figures and tables in the text should be given in parentheses (Fig. 1; Table 1).

The list of literature is compiled and numbered in alphabetical order; bibliographic reference numbers in the text of the article are given in square brackets.

Examples of bibliographic references in the list of references:

1) Books: a - up to four authors (all authors are indicated): Drozdovskaya A.A. Chemical evolution of the ocean and atmosphere in the geological history of the Earth. K .: Naukova Dumka, 1990.205 p .;
b - more than four authors (the first three authors are indicated): Iron-Manganese nodules of the Indian Ocean. E.F. Shnyukov, G.N. Orlovsky, S.A. Kleschenko et al. K.: Circulation, 2001.328 s.

2) Abstracts of dissertations: Rybak E.N. Lithological and geochemical features of the formation of the Black Sea pearl: Abstract. dis. Cand. min-min Sciences: 04.00.10. Institute of Geological Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. K., 1987.16 s.

3) Articles in collections: Volkov I.I. Ferromanganese nodules. Oceanology Chemistry of the ocean. T. 2. Geochemistry of bottom sediments. - M .: Nauka, 1979.- S. 414-455.

4) Articles in magazines: Kovalevsky S.A. Geological features of the lineament of the 38th meridian in the Black Sea region. Doc. USSR Academy of Sciences. 1960.V. 130, No. 6. P. 1306-1309.

5) Abstracts: F.G. Dadashev, P.A. Mamedova. The patterns of quantitative distribution of mud volcanoes in oil and gas areas. Geodynamics and oil and gas systems of the Black Sea-Caspian region. Materials ІІІ Intern. conferences (September 17-21, 2001). Simferopol, 2001.S. 56.


Address: 01601, Ukraine, Kiev-54, st. Olesya Gonchara, 55-b.
Journal "Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean"
Phone: +38 066 79 111 78; +38 063 855 8540.

