
V.O. Iemelianov, NAS Corresp. Member, Dr. Sci. (Geol. & Mineral.), Prof., Chief Researcher
E‑mail: volodyasea1990@gmail.com ORCID 0000-0002-8972-0754

P.O. Kiriakov, PhD (Geol. & Mineral.), Senior Researcher 
E: mail:paoloee@ukr.net

O.M. Rybak, PhD (Geol. & Mineral.), Senior Researcher 
ORCID 0000-0001-5746-7259

O.O. Paryshev, PhD (Geol.), Senior Researcher 
E-mail: paryshev1974@gmail.com ORCID 0000-0003-1318-9650

L.V. Stupina, PhD (Geol.), Senior Researcher 
E-mail: stlada@ukr.net ORCID 0000-0002-5082-0862

MorGeoEcoCenter NAS of Ukraine, 55b st. Oles Honchar, Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine


Geo-ecological situation in Ukraine can be considered a crisis without exaggeration. The emergence of a number of geo-ecological problems is caused by long-term structural deformations of the economy and the development of the most environmentally dangerous industries of the economy and the development of the most environmentally dangerous industries. The main Ukraine's main problems are directly related to the disruption of important geoecological functions of the components of the natural environment − lithosphere, atmospheric air, water and soil environment, flora and fauna.

Due to Russia's large-scale armed aggression has added a powerful negative impact on the environment due to the terrible consequences of military actions, primarily related to damage to communications, destruction of enterprises and other hazardous facilities, contamination of water and land resources in conditions of impossibility to exercise effective control and prompt elimination of the negative impact of military operations.

The article for the first time touches upon the issues related to geo-ecological problems of open water basins of Ukraine, aquatic subsystems of water resources and water resources of the country. Ukraine, aquatic subsystems of water basins, as well as the geo-ecological state of groundwater. waters. The impact of submarine discharge of groundwater on the geo-ecosystems of open water basins and aquatic subsystems, determined the risks of destruction of their resources in modern conditions.

The conceptual bases of the strategy of geo-ecological studies of water basins, the necessity of development of legal base of activity in this direction is noted.

Keywords: geoecology, water resources, aquatic systems, submarine unloading.


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