
M.V. Kozlenko, Ph.D. (Geol.), Senior Research Scientist
E-mail: marichakoko@gmail.com ORCID 0000-0001-5463-6483

Yu.V. Kozlenko, Ph.D. (Geol. & Mineral.), Senior Research Scientist
E-mail: yuriyko.geo@gmail.com ORCID 0000-0002-7736-5185

S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine

32, Palladin ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine


The deep structure, tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon potential of the Kalamitsky swell (КS) were determined using the density modeling method. In the research area, two megablocks separated by the North Euxine Fault are distinguished by crustal parameters. The northern one, to which КS belongs, with continental-type crust, is part of the Scythian plate (SP). The southern one belongs to the subcontinental type of transitional block between the SP and the Western Black Sea Basin. The boundaries of the КS are determined, which are mostly controlled by faults. Schemes of isogypsum of the beds of the consolidated crust and isopachites of its layers were drawn up, which were used to determine the course of tectonic processes in the research area from the Baikal to the Early Cimmerian stages of tectogenesis. It was established that the КS is based on several structural and tectonic elements that were laid before the Baikal era. It was found that the base of the crystalline crust is a Late Archean formation. The sublatitudinal North Crimean region of the Baikalides and the greenschist belt of the Moesian Plate in the NW-SW direction developed under the influence of separate tectonic impulses, as they were delimited by a sharply unconformable meridional syncline zone in the middle part of the swell. КS as a complete morphological structure was formed in the Salgirian phase of tectogenesis by consolidation of several heterogeneous-heterochronous structures. Its development continued in the Alpine era due to subsidence of the sides as a result of rift processes in the Karkinitsky Trough and the West Black Sea Basin. Transcrustal faults, as well as crustal disturbances, which vary from layer to layer of the crystalline crust both in quantity, position, and direction, sometimes forming zones several kilometers wide, are determined. Based on a complex analysis of fault tectonics, thicknesses of Cenozoic soft sediments and gas plume distribution, it was concluded that the structures promising for the search for hydrocarbons are Selskyi, Skhidnofedorivska, Ushakova and H-53.

Keywords: Northwestern shelf of the Black Sea, Kalamitsky swell, dense modeling, prospects for hydrocarbon exploration, deep faults.


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