Mineral Resources
SHNYUKOV Ye.F. Black Sea: the future of the mineral resource base 3-17
Stratigraphy. Corelation
GOZHIK P.F., ROKYTSKYI V.Ye. New data on the distribution of sediments of the danube formation 18-31
Regional Geology
PAVLYUK M.I., YAKOVENKO M.B. Oil and gas bearing potential sea areas of the East European platform 32-46
ZHIRNOV A.M. Morphostructure of Atlantic’s bottom and Medium-Atlantic ridge 47-62
KOZLENKO Yu., KOZLENKO M. Earth crust of the Bransfield Strait between Antarctic peninsula and King George island 63-73
INOZEMTCEV Yu.I., PARYSHEV O.O., KRASNOZHYNA Z.V., MASLAKOV M.O. Magnetite from coastal deposits of Black and Azov seas 74-86
LOMAKIN I.E., KOCHELAB V.V. Fine-grained and thin gold of cenosoic sedimentary cover in Southern Ukraine. Problems and perspectives 87-96
Development of hydrocarbon potential
GOSHOVSKYІ S.V., ZURІAN A.V. Review of technologies for artificial gas-hydrate production 97-114
YESYPOVYCH S.M. Antarctica is the southern geographical area of the Earth as a geodynamic center of formation of the primary crust of the planet 115-120
Science history
SHATALOV N.N., NAUMENKO U.Z., CHERNIENKO N.N. About the nature of hydrocarbons (to the 90-th anniversary of the birth of Professor Vladilen Krayushkin) 121-132