
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/gpimo2019.01.018

P.F. Gozhik 1, V.Eu. Rokytskyi 2

1 Institute of Geology of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

2 Black Sea State Regional Geological Enterprise, Odessa


The published materials on the occurrences of dacian and kimmerian mollusks in the Danube River valley between Reni and Izmail districts are analyzed and the result of study the Pliocene sediments from wells drilled on the Black Sea shelf to the east of Danube River Delta are presented. Basing of the malacological data, the studied Pliocene deposits are compared with those of the pridanubian formation.

Keywords: pridanubian formation, Dacian, Cimmerian, Pliocene sediments, Danube, shelf Black Sea, mollusks.


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