H.O. Veliyev 1, R.V. Veliyev 2
1 Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Republican Seismological Service Center, Baku
2 State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR), Baku
The paper studies factors triggering hazards while drilling processes under the influence of time-spatial variations of geodynamic stress in areas nearby to active and buried mud volcanoes in oil fields and perspective structures discovered on the basis of seismic survey. In case of Umid structure located in Caspian sea it has been displayed that due to variation of lithological composition dynamic and kinematiс parameters of seismic wave also change and this is related to abnormal time-spatial variations of geodynamic stress. In case of Neft-Dashlary-Guneshli-Oghuz-D30 area of East Absheron oil-gas bearing area we have studied geodynamic-stress properties in relation to earthquakes occurred in drilling work sites and it was identified that most of the earthquakes happened at 10—15 km depth interval, in the sedimentary cover. In areas reflected in seismic sections by complex seismic records featured by properties characteristic for layered media due to probability of complications and drilling hazards it was recommended to strengthen the control over drilling process along with appropriate preventive measures.
Keywords: Geodynamic processes, geophysical fields, seismic record, seismic horizon, dynamic depth cube, fault zone, mud volcano signs, accident risk.
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