
V.L. Lomtev 
Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
Signes of the gas­ & possibly oil presence in the Meso­Cenozoic, sedimentary­trapp cover of NW Pacific sea­floor (seaward of Kuril trench) are described from the results of oil­gas
geological interpre­tation of CDP 1 and seismic continuous profiles: «field» type anomaly, gas windows, columns and «threads « as zones of break or visible weakening of reflector
intensity. Probable sources of hydrocarbons and peculiarities of their thermogeneration are discussed (heat friction of glide). 
Key words: NW allochthonous plate, bed glide of layers 1­4 (oceanic crust), sedimentary­trap cover, gas and gas windows, columns, «threads», «field» type anomalies. 
1. Lomtev VL, Patrikeev VN, Nemchenko G.S. Seismic stratigraphy of the Cenozoic sedimentary cover of the NorthWest Plate of the Pacific Ocean // Structure and material
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2. Patrikeev VN, Lomtev V.L. Seismic stratigraphy of the NorthWest Pacific Plate on the MOGT profile // Ibid., P. 42-64.
3. Patrikeev VN, Lomtev VL, Nemchenko G.S. Seismic stratigraphy of the Mesozoic sedimentary cover of the NorthWest Plate of the Pacific Ocean // Ibid., P. 5-20.
4. Lomtev VL, Zhigulev VV, Kononov V.E., Ageev V.N. Possibilities of the method of continuous seismic profiling (NSP) in oil and gas exploration // Geodynamics, geology and oil
and gas content of sedimentary basins of the Far East of Russia. - Yuzhno Sakhalinsk: IMGiG FEB RAS, 2004. - P. 107-119.
5. Lomtev VL, Patrikeev VN, Sergeev KF and others. Pacifida, Tethys and Pacifik, "Ibid., pp. 131-144.
6. Lomtev V.L. Problems of the structure and history of the bed of the NW Pacific, // General and regional problems of tectonics and geodynamics. - Moscow: GEOS, 2007. T. 1. - S.
7. Lomtev V.L. New data on tectonics and magmatism of the NW Pacific, // Geology and minerals of the World Ocean. - 2008. - №4. - P. 93-105.
8. Lomtev V.L. Signs of the gas content of the cover of the Tuscaror basin (NW Pacific) // Degassing of the Earth: geodynamics, geofluids, oil, gas and their parageneses. - Moscow:
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9. Lomtev VL, Kononov V.E., Gurinov M.G. ATZgiant and gas windows on the profile of the NSP No. 114 (NW Pacific) // Ibid., P. 291-293.
10. Lomtev V.L. Signs of the gas content of the Mesozoic Cenozoic cover of the NW Pacifika bed // Physics of the Geospheres: Seventh All-Russia. simp .: matl. dokl. - Vladivostok:
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