In memory of the outstanding geologist, editor-in-chief of the journal «Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean» Eugen Shnyukov 3
Marine Ecosystem Resources
IEMELIANOV V.O., IEVLEV M.M., CHUBENKO O.V. Potential of antique and medieval cultural heritage in the space of geoecosystems of the Northern Black Sea area and the Black Sea shelf from the Danube to the Berezan estuary 7
Geology of regions
LOMAKIN I.E., SARVIROV Ye.A., KOCHELAB V.V. Tectonic factors of landslide formation in the North-Western Black Sea coastal zone 29
Research methods
GORDIENKO V.V. GORDIENKO I.V. Maps of deep heat flow and geothermal resources in Ukraine 41
LYUBITSKIY A.A., OMELCHENKO A.V. Simulation model of sound backscattering in gas flares and evaluation of the potential accuracy of determining seep coordinates by split-beam echosounders 53
STEPANYUK L.M., VYSOTSKY O.B., DOVBUSH T.I., KURYLO S.I. U-Pb isotopic geochronology of the monazite gneisses of the «zelenolevadivska suite» of the Middle Bug region 68
KLOCHKOV S.V. Integral assessment of the geodynamic conditions for the formation of the Black Sea basin and connection with the current regime of groundwater in its northwestern shelf 77