
I.E. Lomakin, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Head of Dept.
e-mail: igorlomakin@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0003-2745-2579

Ye.A. Sarvirov, Junior Researcher
e-mail: easarvirov@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0001-5429-5834

V.V. Kochelab, Senior Researcher
e-mail: vkdkochelab@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0002-4888-9297

MorGeoEcoCenter of the NAS of Ukraine
55b st. Oles’ Honchar, Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine


Landslides in the North-Western Black Sea coastal zone (NWBSCZ) are a very common natural phenomenon. The analysis of large volumes of original field and compilative geological material shows the determining influence of tectonic factors on the formation of geoecological characteristics of the southern regions of the NWBSCZ. In 2014—2022, a study of the materials of aerospace observations — SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) radar topography was performed with statistical data processing in a GIS environment in combination with the results of ground route studies. Descriptions and photos of landslides are given, as well as information on determining the patterns of the spatial location of active landslide zones, the causes and factors of their occurrence, the nature of development and the consequences of landslide activity. On the basis of the tectonolineament analysis, experience was gained in determining the differences in the dynamics of the development of individual active tectonic blocks of the southern part of the NWBSCZ and the scale of their possible perspective influence on the formation of the general modern geological and ecological situation. The result of such work was the materials for the development of recommendations for taking into account the natural geodynamic characteristics of the specific areas under investigation, for the solution of urgent economic issues of planning rational and safe nature management.

Keywords: landslides, tectonic factors, SRTM-relief, North-Western Black Sea coastal zone.


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