I.E. Lomakin, V.M. Anokhin, V.V. Kochelab, V.V. Pokalyuk, N.V. Shafranskaya, I.N. Shuraev. TECTONOLINEAMENTS AND SOME GEOTECTONIC PROBLEMS



Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2016, 12 (3): 59-75

I.E. Lomakin 1, V.M. Anokhin 2, V.V. Kochelab 1, V.V. Pokalyuk 1, N.V. Shafranskaya 1, I.N. Shuraev 1 

  1.  Department of Marine Geology and Sedimentary Ore Formation, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  2.  Institute of Lake Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg

Multiple linear structures (lineaments) on the surface of the continents and the ocean floor, and their fragments have limited directs in number. The most important of them are sublatitudinal, submeridional, diagonal NW and diagonal NE. Orientation of the lineament systems for oceans and continents is unchanged. Many long linear objects of the ocean floor sweep to continents and cross them without change own direction. All these facts indicate the existence in the earth's crust a regular system of global lineaments — depth and ancient regmatic network. Basic processes in the Earth's crust (continental and oceanic) may be exhaustively explained by concept of faultblock structure of the Earth's lithosphere. 
Key words: lineaments, global lineament network, transverse structures.

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