On behalf of Editor 5
S.I. ANDREEV. Geodynamics and the ore genesis of the World Ocean 12
I.F. GLUMOV, A.I. GLUMOV, Yu.B. KAZMIN, V.M. YUBKO. Gashydrates the World Ocean 30
E.F. SHNYUKOV. Methan gashydrate in the Black Sea 41
V.P. KOBOLEV, Yu. P. OROVETSKY. The problem of endogenous hydrocarbon of the Earth's riftogenic junctions 53
E.G. KONIKOV. Changes of the Azov-Black sea level and migration of coast line in New Euxine and Holocene 68
E.F. SHNYUKOV, V.I. STAROSTENKO, A. PASYNKOV, YU.Y. INOZEMTSEV, A.S. KUSNETSOV. Local circular morfostructure in the central Black sea 76
G.G. PIVNYAK, V.P. FRANCHUK, A.P. ZIBOROV, V.P. NADUTY, A.I. YEGURNOV. On necessity of scientific maintenance working out relating to creation of marine mining and metallurgical complex 82
Yu.A. NEFEDOV, L.I. ANELOK, S.N. KILESSO, E.V. KRYUKOV. Peculiarities of preparation of ocean nodules for metallurgic smelting 89
E.A. KIRICHENKO, V.P. FRANCHUK, V.V. EVTEEV, V.G. SHVORAK. Investigation of transport tube vibration parameters in case of the heavy sea 95
B.Ya. SAVENKO, S.I. SHEPEL, P.A. BURTNY, E.E. KARNAUHOVA. Analysis of petromagnetic characteristics of rocks from the region of Academic Vernadsky Antarctic Station 101
Yu.A. KURNICOV, S.N. KRAVCHENKO, M.I. ORLYUK. Magnetic sound: New view on perspectives of practical use 111
A.A. PASYNKOV. On litodynamics procceses in Kerchian Strait and Island KosaTuzla 120
V.M. PESHKOV, A.V. POROTOV, I.N. GUSAKOV. On habilitation of Kosa Tuzla 127
E.F. SHNYUKOV, V.P. KOBOLEV, O.M. RUSAKOV, N.A. MASLAKOV. Methan in the Black sea sediment: forming, ways of transport and role in carbon cycle (review of the reports of International seminar) 135
E.F. SHNYUKOV, V.I. STAROSTENKO, V.P. KOBOLEV, G.N. ORLOVSKY, T.S. KUKOVSKAYA. Geologic-geophysical investigations during the 62 cruise of R.V "Professor Vodyanitsky" in the Black and Azov sea 150
Yu.A. MURAVEINIK. News on marine geology 155
Yu.A. RUSKO. Achievements of Ukrainian marine geologists in Geological museum exposition 160
Course "Principles of Marine geology" 161
On the 100th Anniversary of Yuri Yurievich Yurk 163
Hydrography works to Marine Geology (on the 80th birthday of Lev Ivanovich Mitin) 167
Zvolsky Stanislaw Timofeevich (on the eighty years old jubilee) 170
In memory of Igor Borisovich Shcherbakov 173