Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2017, 13 (2): 68-76
I.E. Lomakin, V.V. Pokalyuk, V.V. Kochelab, I.N. Shuraiev, S.G. Shpyrko
Department of Marine Geology and Sedimentary Ore Formation NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
The analysis of the topography from radar satellite imaging (SRTM, GEBCO) allows to reveal a global system of subparallel staggered transmediterranean tectonolineament zones of NEE trending within the Mediterranean mobile belt and its nearest surroundings. These strip like megastructures are important persistent tectonic elements of the Mediterranean belt, developing in the global (planetary scale) field of crustal stresses, related to the planetary rotational processes. Jointly with similar tectonolineament zones of NW trending they largely determined the geological history of the region during Mezo and Cenozoic, providing a relatively spatially and temporally stable structural frame for developing tectonic elements of varying age within its cells.
Keywords: Mediterranean mobile belt, tectonolineaments, SRTM, GEBCO, morphostructures, planetary fault network.
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