Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2017, 13 (2): 26-59
Yanko V.V.1,2, Kadurin S.V.1, Kravchuk O.O.1, Kulakova I.I3
This study examines the relationship between the distribution of meiobenthos and concentrations of hydrocarbon gases, primarily methane, in the sediments of the northwestern part of the Black Sea. Based on the dual analysis of abiotic characteristics (physical and chemical parameters of the water column, geochemical, lithological, mineralogical properties of the sediment) and biotic ones (quantitative and taxonomic composition of foraminifers, nematodes, and ostracods), the possibility of using meiobenthos as an indicator of gaseous hydrocarbons stored under the seabed is evaluated.
Key words: Meiobenthos, bottom sediments, the Black Sea, ecosystem, foraminifera.
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