
О.M. Rybak, PhD (Geol. & Mineral.), Senior Researcher
e-mail: mega.akvatorija@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0001-5746-7259

O.O. Paryshev, PhD (Geol.), Senior Researcher
e-mail: paryshev1974@gmail.com
ORCID 0000-0003-1318-9650

Yu.I. Inozemtsev, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Leading Researcher
ORCID 0000-0002-4083-8292

L.V. Stupina, PhD (Geol.), Senior Researcher
e-mail: stlada@ukr.net
ORCID 0000-0002-5082-0862

MorGeoEcoCenter NAS of Ukraine
55b st. Oles Honchar, Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine


Particular attention is paid to the processes of gas production from the Black Sea seabed. A search sign of hydrocarbon deposits can be jet gas manifestations (seeps), which form fields of gas flows dispersed over a large area or observed in areas of tectonic disturbances. In areas of high concentration, deposits of methane gas hydrates, a new type of unconventional raw material, have been discovered. Intense, often explosive gas fountains have also been recorded in mud volcanoes. So far, dozens of mud volcanoes have been documented in the Black Sea. Observations from underwater vehicles have revealed gassy carbonate structures and gas fields on the shelf, continental slope, and in the canyons of the paleorivers.

With such a detailed study of all types of gas release from the Black Sea floor, the issue of explosive gas flow into the water area during earthquakes remains poorly understood. Gas emissions and their ignition during an earthquake off the northwestern and southern coasts of Crimea are not explained by the same causes. During the Crimean earthquakes of 1927, the concept of «fire phenomena» was coined. The article draws attention to this previously insufficiently studied aspect of the earthquakes, and also gives an interpretation of possible sources of the appearance of lights in the western part of the water area.

Keywords: Black Sea, earthquake, gas sands, fire phenomena


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