Geology of regions
SHNYUKOV YE.F., TOPACHEVSKY I.V. World ocean gas seeps
RYBAK E.N., STUPINA L.V. Black sea pockmarks
GORDIENKO V.V., GORDIENKO L.YA. Astenospheric linzes in the mantle of oil and gas-bearing regions
NAUMENKO O.D., KORZHNEV P.M., STRIZHAK V.P., DEZES M.O. Oil and gas prognosis of the of Middle and Upper Jurassic carbonate strata of the North-Western part Black sea and adjacent area according to the sedimentary-paleogeomorphological criteria
Mineral Resources
SHNIUKOV YE. F., SKVORTSOV V. V., PERMYAKOV V. V. To mineralogy of dark sands of North/Western coast of the Azov sea
Modern processes
ALOKHINA T.M., KURAZIEVA L.V., SKVORTSOV V.V. Modern sedimentogenesis of the Azov sea: factors and features
New research methods
KHIZHNYAK A.V., SEDLEROVA O.V., FEDOROVSKY O.D. Hydrophysical and geological peculiarities, methods and model of aerospace monitoring for the purpose of hydrocarbon deposits prospecting on the sea shelf
Innovative projects
SHCHYPTSOV O.A. Some aspects of the concept of the state target scientific and technical program for the recovery of marine research and research infrastructure drafting