

Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2016, 12 (2): 16-36

V.P. Kobolev 

Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The article analyzes the geophysical data in study the deep structure of the Black Sea megadepression obtained in recent years and a number of issues of concern and discussion of its formation are considered. It is proved significant difference in the formation mechanism of its main structural units — the western and eastern trough. Namely, the primary cause of the western rift depression is the rise of the asthenosphere diapir, leading to a threeprong stretching of individual sections of the earth's crust Scythian plate. The formation mechanism of the eastern depression involves extension, i.e. break the continuity of the crust and lithosphere of the Euxinus subcontinental plate. According to established rate of sedimentation, the beginning of the rifting and formation directly western trough time to Late Cretaceous and the dipping in area of the eastern trough had begun in Eocene. Attraction plume tectonic mechanism allowed a new position to assess the role of geodynamic factors associated with rifting and evolution of the Black Sea megadepression. 
Key words: mantle, lithosphere, rift, geoblock, pull. 


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