
V.I. Lysenko1, V.M. Shik2
1 Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, branch, Sevastopol
2 CTKSE, Sevastopol
Composition of gas fluid is presented by methane, ethane, propane and hydrogen sulfide; it is indicative of its deep genesis. Facts about the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the gas require to review the principle of the formation the balance of hydrogen sulphide zone only due to biological processes. Without regard modern geological processes, taking place in the Black Sea, is impossible to predict the geo-ecological condition of the hydrogen sulphide zone and the position of its upper border. As the results of cold degassing of hydrocarbons on shoreface of the bay Laspi carbonate structure with oasis of life is formed in the active geodynamic environment around the gas jets. It is represented by gravel and pebble conglomerate cemented by aragonite and calcite. The formation of carbonate cement conglomerates is connected with vital activity of micro-and macro fauna and flora of local biocenosis. High cementation rate allows to suppose younger age of modern carbonate structures at great depths in the Black Sea and other seas.
Keywords: methane, conglomerates, «carbonate buildups», oxygen, age, biogeocenosis.
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