A.L. Sobisevich, L.E. Sobisevich, T.Yu. Tveritinova
Institute of Physics of the Earth. RAS, Moscow
ON MUD VOLCANISM IN THE LATE ALPINE FOLDED EDIFICE OF THE NORTH-WESTERN CAUCASUS (based on an example of the study of the deep structure of the Shugo mud volcano)
The Shugo mud volcano is one of the most active in the Taman mud volcanic province, the northwestern part of periclinal Alpine folded structure of the Greater Caucasus. With a relatively quiet eruptive behavior of the mud volcano it can demonstrate momentary yet significant events like in 1903, 1908 and 2006. The paper presents new data on the deep structure of the Shugo mud volcano in order to better understand the phenomena of mud volcanism in Northwestern Caucasus.
Key words: mud volcanism, deep underground structure, local faults, dilatancy, fluid activity.
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