M.Ye. Gerasimov, V.Ya. Omelchenko, A.A. Bashkirceva, F.A. Ribakova, T.N. Galko, T.V. Driagina, L.I. Borisova, O.N. Goncharova, V.I. Vlasova. ON THE BLACK SEA BACK ARC RIFT SYSTEM


M.Ye. Gerasimov, V.Ya. Omelchenko, A.A. Bashkirceva, F.A. Ribakova, T.N. Galko, T.V. Driagina, L.I. Borisova, O.N. Goncharova, V.I. Vlasova


The Ukrainian sector of the Black-Sea mega-deep is reviewed as a fragment of the backarc poly-rift system of Cretaceous and Ceinozoic periods overlying mainly the south margin of the East European paleo-craton, two paleo-microcontinents Moesia and Dsirulia attached to the accreted margin of paleo-continent Eurasia by thrust in the first case and by subduction in the second with formation of foredeeps of late Jurassic — early Cretaceous and Pleiocene-Quarternary periods.

Hydrocarbon potential is fixed in Tethys blocks, folds of tangential compressing and tectonic creep in the Cretaceous and Cainozoic age deposits in the poly-rift system and the foredeeps.

In the West Black Sea region, the potential is mainly observed in the Paleozoic deposits in PreDobrogean pericratonic trough, Middle Triassic and Lower Jurassic deposits in the the Black sea side intracontinental rift and Middle and Upper Jurassic in the passive margin of Eurasia and Premeziysk ferdeep.

Key words: oil-gas bearing, depositional basin, geodynamic processes.


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