S.M. Dovbysh, V.P. Koboliev, S.G. Polovka, V.P. Usenko. SCIENTIST, PEDAGOGUE, ORGANIZER OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES OF THE WORLD OCEAN (to the 75th anniversary of Alexei Yuryevich Mitropolsky)
Submitted by commander on Sun, 07/22/2018 - 00:38
Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2017, 14 (2): 81-88
Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Uman State Pedagogical University named after. Pavel Tychyna, Uman
(to the 75th anniversary of Alexei Yuryevich Mitropolsky)
On April 7, 2017, turned 75 years old to a well-known Ukrainian scientist in the field of marine geology, geochemistry and geoecology, a member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, a doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences , Professor Alexei Y. Mitropolsky.
Babinets AE, Mitropolsky A.Yu., Olshtinsky S.P. Hydrogeological and geochemical features of the deep sea deposits of the Black Sea. Kiev: Science. opinion, 1973. 160 p.
Bezborodov AA, Mitropolsky A.Yu. Geochemical evolution of trace elements in the Black Sea. Preprint, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Geology. Sciences 78.8. Kiev, I978. 61 p.
Geology at the Odessa University (Essays on the History of the Department of General and Marine Geology). E.P. Larchenko, O.P.Kravchuk, A.O.Kravchuk. Odessa: Phoenix, 2009. 536 p.
Geology at the University of Kyiv. SA Vyzhva, AI Grischuk, O.V. Zinchenko et al .; for ed. prof. VI Pavlyshyn Center "Kyiv University", 2011. 479 p.
Gorzyk P.F., Mitropolsky A.Yu., Shcherbakov I. B. and others. Geology and metallogeny of the south-western part of the Red Sea. Kiev: Science. thought, 1988. 160 p.).
Emelyanov VA, Mitropolsky A.Yu., Nasedkin E.I. and others Geoecology of the Black Sea shelf of Ukraine. Kiev: Academiperidic. 2004. 143 p.
Yemelyanov E.M., Mitropolsky A.Yu., Shymkus K.M., Musse A.M. Geochemistry of the Mediterranean Sea. Kiev: Science. opinion, 1979. 132 p.
International Academy of Ecology, Human and Nature Safety (MANEC): Encyclopedia. SPB: International Academy Ecology Sciences, Human and Nature Safety, 2006. 684 p.
Mitropolsky A.Yu. Some results of deepwater drilling in the Black Sea. Sedimentary rocks and ores. Kiev: Science. opinion. 1978. p. 58- 64.
Mitropolsky A.Yu., Bezborodov AA, Ovsyarny E.I. Geochemistry of the Black Sea. Kiev: Science. opinion, 1982. 144 p.
Mitropolsky A.Yu., Melnik V.I., Gozhik P.F. and others. Processes of modern sedimentation in the Bengal Bay. Pres. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Geology. Sciences; 78.8 Kiev, I979. 65 p.
Mitropolsky A.Yu., Ogorodnikov VI The precipitations of the Chukchi Sea. Stratigraphy, formation conditions, composition and properties of sedimentary rocks of the USSR. Kiev: Science. Opinion, 1973. P. 52 54.
Mitropolsky A.Yu., Olshtinsky S.P., Ivanova A.N. Organization of databases on marine geology at IGN NAS of Ukraine. Geol and useful. iscope. The world ocean 2016. No. 1. P. 75 80.
Mitropolsky O. Yu., Usenko VP, Kobolev VP Environmental aspects of marine geological and geophysical research. Geol journ 1997. No. 12. P. 138 143
Mitropolsky O.Yu, Nasedkin EI, Ivanova G.M. etc. Seasonal features of sedimentation processes on the Black Sea shelf. Zb scientific works, ed. 17. Sevastopol, 2008. 380 p.
Mitropolsky O.Yu., Nasedkin Ye.I., Osokina N.P. Ecochemistry of the Black Sea. Kiev: Science. opinion, 2006. 279 p.
Mitropolsky O.Yu., Ivanik O.M. Marine Geology (textbook). K .: "Kyiv Univeristy" Center, 2016. 428 p.
Mitropolsky O.Yu., Ivanik O.M. Fundamentals of Marine Geology (textbook). K .: VT "Kyiv University", 2004. 219 p.
Marine Geology at IGN NAS of Ukraine. Geol. journ 1996. No. 12. p. 30 35.
Oleksiy Yurievich Mitropolsky (Bibliography). Back Ed. PF Gooseberry Kyiv, 2012. 135 p.
Polovka SG Oleksiy Yurievich Mitropolsky - a scientist, a teacher, a public figure (to the 70th anniversary of his birthday). Visnyk ONU. Geography and geology. 2012. 17. p. 230 241.
Polovka SG One hundred marine geologists of Ukraine. Kiev. Uman: Vizavi, 2007. 261 p.
Samoilenko AM Life and creative path of outstanding mathematics and mechanics (To the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yu.O. Mitropolsky). Visn National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2017. No. 8. p. 88 97.
Smirnova R. Shevchenko painted Gogol's household? Mirror of the week. No. 9 (434). 8 March 14, 2003
Tropical Atlantic. Guinea Region Ed. VN Eremeev Kiev: Science. thought, 1988. 411 p.
Shniukov E.F., Gozhik P.F., Mitropolsky A.Yu. Development of lithological research in Ukraine. Zb works of sciences, ed. 3. NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Geology. Sciences, Editorial: Goal. Ed. PF Gooseberry Kyiv, 2010. 360 p.