

Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2017, 13 (1): 33-44

V.L. Lomtev 

Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Far East Division RAS, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia


Purpose. The study of the structure of the western part of the Caroline plate (southwest of the Pacifika 

Methods. Interpretation of NSP profiles 124, 125 and drilling data. 

Findings. Geophysical profiles were constructed, features of the structure of the Cenozoic sedimentary 
cover of the West Caroline abyssal basin on the profile 124. 

Originality. Tectonic corrugation of the plate was found, associated with a crustal collapse to the west 
(megaplex of thrusts and uprises of the eastern fall); regional gas saturation of acoustic foundation and 
sedimentary cover; the underwater valleys with inbuilt dams and contrasting turbidites in the basin; 
landslides in the cover on the eastern slope of the shaft; the field of asymmetric sedimentary waves (the 
lower thickness of the cover) at its apex. 

Practical implications. Taking into account the discussion of the interpretations of stratigraphy, tectonics, 
volcanism, sedimentation and the history of the formation of the Karolinskaya plate, the author made an 
attempt to clarify these questions, taking into account the experience of interpretation of CSP, MCDP 
materials and drilling in the East Mariana and NW basins, the Tasman Sea, the Sea of Japan and the Sea 
of Okhotsk, Kuril and Japanese trenches. 

Key words: acoustical basement, Cenozoic cover, crustal glide, regional gas presence, sedimentary waves, 
submarine valleys, turbidities, slides. 

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