Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2017, 13 (1): 20-32
М. N. Коrzhnev
Institute of Geology, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv
Purpose. Justification tectonic model for the formation of the Black Sea oil and gas basin.
Methods. Comprehensive study of the mechanisms of structural adjustment plan of the Earth’s surface at certain periods of geological history.
Findings. Based on the analysis of modern geotectonic concepts and the possibility of using them to create a structuraltectonic basis for models for the formation of oil and gas basins in general and the Black Sea basin in particular, it was established that the decisive importance for the formation of the Black Sea basin was the opening of the Atlantic Ocean, spreading of the asthenosphere masses both north, south, and to the east, where the Tethys ocean was formed, and the existence of the intersection of two zones of deep faults that contributed to the movement of these masses.
Originality. It has been established that the Black Sea basin was founded as a result of the rise of the mantle plume near the intersection of the two zones of deep faults in the orthogonal network of the deepseated rift faults (West Black Sea and OdessaSinop), and was associated with the movement of the asthenosphere masses with the destruction and absorption of the lower continental lithosphere.
Practical implications. The theory of plumes and the theory of superplumes, which include the basic positions of plate tectonics, can be a structuraltectonic basis of geological and geophysical models for the formation of oil and gas basins.
Key words: plumes, super plumes, plate tectonics, asthenosphere masses, inertia effects, deep fault zones, shift moving.
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