
K.F. Tyapkin
National Mining University, Dnepropetrovsk


We discuss the appearance in press of a number of works by the famous Norwegian geophysicist Storetvedt K.M. in which he rejects the basic principles of the concept of plate tectonics. He assump+ tions that tectonosphere changes its location relatively the Earth's axis of rotation. We claim that this is no longer an assumption, but a fact. 
Recognition of the reality of reorienting tectonosphere relatively to the Earth's axis of rotation has allowed us to open a new participant in the geotectogenesis: that is the stress developing in the Earth as a result of changes in its rotational regime. The emergence of new participant radically changes the existing ideas about the tectonic evolution of the planet and urgently requires rethinking them over. The paper discusses the main directions of this rethinking.

Key words: plate tectonics, Earth rotation, rotation stresses, geotectogenesis.


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