
S.P. Pletnev
Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok
The analysis plankton foraminifera and diatoms in cores of deep-water drilling (794—798 ODP) has allowed making the reconstruction of the mid-annual temperatures for surface waters during the last 16 million years in Japan Sea. It is shown, that the highest temperatures of the surface waters were of 14—16 °C in the early middle Miocene. It did not exceed recent ones from the Late Miocene to the Early Eopleistocene, that was caused by the absence of the southern inflow of warm Pacific waters into sea. Since the boundary of 1,4 million years, glacio-eustatic changes of the sea level to the erosion of the isthmus had located on the place of modern western pass of the Korean Strait, and warm Tsushima paleocurrent began to act not only to the north, but also to the east.
Key words: Sea of Japan, Miocene, Pliocene, planktonic foraminifera, diatoms, temperature of surface waters.
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