Kotlin’ski R. A., Maciag L., Zawadzki D. Potential and recent problems of the possible polymetallic sources in the oceanic deposits


Kotlin’ski R. A., Maciag L., Zawadzki D. 
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, US University of Szczecin, Poland
Potential and recent problems of the possible polymetallic sources in the oceanic deposits
Paper presents economical potential on obtaining critical metals from oceanic polymetallic deposits and selected geopolitical problems associated with seafloor partitation. In the group of the most important oceanic metal deposits are: (1) heavy minerals placers, (2) polymetallic nodules, (3) cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts, (4) seafloor massive sulphides (SMS) and (5) metalliferrous sediments (oozes and clays). Several of them have been considered as the alternative sources of critical metals for high- and green-technology applications. Their occurrence, global distribution, resources and origins are a direct reflection of the geodynamic evolution of the oceans. The authors also discuss international legal regulations regarding research, prospection, exploration and exploitation of oceanic mineral deposits, including registration of the most promising mining areas by International Seabed Authority in accordance with The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).
Key words: polymetallic nodules, cobaltrich ferromanganese crusts, seafloor massive sulphides SMS, metalliferrous clays, economic geology.
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