
S.P. Pletnev 1, M.E. Melnikov 2, T.A. Punina 3, Y.D. Zaharov 3
1 Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok
2 Yuzhmorgeologiya, Gelendzhik
3 Far Eastern Geological Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok
Expeditionary investigations carried out by GKС «Yuzmorgeologiya» in 2000—2010 i.e. in the Pacific Ocean on board R/V «Gelendzhik» resulted in new materials that made it possible to revel the features of morphological structure of Magellan seamounts and to elucidate the matter and paleontological character of the structural-formation complexes of rocks from Early Cretaceous to Pleistocene inclusive. Anylysis of macro- and microfauna in sedimentary rocks allowed us to distinguish the «transgressive» phases in development of the Guyot: Cenomanian-Turonian, Late Campanian@Maastrichtion, Late Paleocen-Middle Eocene and Late Cenozoic. There is Oligocene hiatus in all guyots of the Magellan Seamounts.
Key words: Magellan seamounts, stages of development, structuralformation levels, bio-litho-stratigraphic sequence.
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