Marine Resources
IEMELIANOV V.O., IEVLEV M.M., CHUBENKO O.V. Objects of Antique and Medieval Cultural Heritage as a resource of the geoecosystems of the Northern Black Sea Coast and of the Black Sea Shelf in the area of the Bug Estuary 3
STOVBA S.M., FENOTA P.О., TYSHCHENKO A.P., VENGROVICH D.B., KHRIASHCHEVSKA О.І. Cretaceous Rifting in the geological history of the Ukrainian Sector of the Black Sea 17
Geology of regions
LOMAKIN I.E., SARVIROV Ye.A., KOCHELAB V.V. Structural position and some features of the geological structure and the development of the Black Sea Depression 33
SHURAIEV I.M., KULAHA T.B., KOSTIUCHYK Ye.І. State of the geoecosystem of the Dniester Estuary as a component of the geoecotone «Black Sea—Land» 42
Research methods
KOZLENKO M.V., KOZLENKO YU.V. Prospectivity of the Biostromna Zone (Northwestern Shelf of the Black Sea) for hydrocarbon exploration according to density modeling 54
IEMELIANOV V.O., NASIEDKІN Ye.І., SHURAIEV I.M., MYTROFANOVA O.A. Design of equipment for observing the distribution of plastic waste in surf zones 69
VYSOTSKY O.B., STEPANYUK L.M., DOVBUSH Т.І., ZIULTSLE О.V. U-Pb age of titanite from diorit of Osnytsky Block (Volyn Megablock of Ukrainian Shield) 79