Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2016, 12 (3): 18-34
V.D. Solovyov 1, I.N. Korchagin 1, S.P. Levashov 2, N.A. Yakymchuk 2, D.N. Bozhezha 3
The Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions have acquired new geophysical data along profiles across Drake Passage and the Bransfield Strait for its crustal structure studying. Possible hypothesis for geodynamical and evolution processes forming at the Bransfield Strait may be proposed. Data obtained appear that evolution of this region was determined as a result of a hot mantle plume moving and evolution (30—26 my ago) with a subsidence of the vast areas of this region and graben formation in the centre of the Bransfield Strait. Then there was an activization stage of volcanic activity and the formation of young rift system, localized under the trough axis in the Bransfield Basin at subsequent stages of development. Its age does not exceed 1—3 my, which is confirmed by the age of dating magnetic anomalies and the basalts age dredged from submarine volcanoes at the Strait. It is likely that the activation of tectonic movements of the South Scotia Ridge (whose age does not exceed 4 my) with real effects of the multidirectional movements of the Scotia and the Antarctic plates had a significant influence on formation of the young rift zone in the Bransfield Strait. New data give additional information for better understanding the evolution stages of structures in this region.
Key words: Antarctic Peninsula, Bransfield Strait, geophysical surveys, deep structure, formation and evolution stages.
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