Yu. Muravejnik. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEPTH GENESIS OIL "1st Kudryavtsevkiye readings» (Moscow)


Yu. Muravejnik
Department of Marine Geology and Sedimentary Ore Formation, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEPTH GENESIS OIL "1st Kudryavtsevkiye readings» (Moscow)
To perpetuate the memory of N.A. Kudryavtseva, the founder of the modern hypothesis of inorganic origin oil, the conference called "Kudryavtsevkoye Reading." Readings were held in Moscow at the Central Geophysical Expedition (CGE) on 22-25 October 2012 Start of the conference is timed to the birthday of NA Kudryavtseva (21 October 1893). A year ago, is symbolic of the 40th anniversary of the death of Russian illustrious compatriot and world-renowned scientists was timed Constituent Assembly for organizing and conducting the All-Russian conference on deep genesis of oil, which has become a starting landmark for the revival of the glorious traditions of the meetings on the origin of oil in the former Soviet Union and in Russian Federation.
Reading positioned as the annual All-Russian scientific-practical conference.
Subject Readings: "The present state of the theory of origin of forecasting methods and techniques of deep oil exploration" assumed lively discussion among scientists and oil issues and the current state of development of the theory of inorganic origin of hydrocarbons, oil and gas potential of subsoil prediction methods and technologies of deep deposits of searches.
As part of the main topics at the conference discussed the following issues:
1. The centers of generation, the starting material (donors) and natural processes convert it into hydrocarbons under the mantle and the crust.
2. Mechanisms of primary mobilization (evacuation of the centers) and secondary filtration SW; localized channels of vertical filtering and proceeds from hydrocarbon generation in the pockets of the upper part of the Earth's crust (sedimentary cover and basement).
3. Questions accumulation of hydrocarbons: traditional and non-traditional traps; role-pressure hydrocarbon fluids in the formation of reservoirs, tanks and hydrocarbon traps (depth of distribution of industrial oil and gas potential in the earth's crust, through the levels to limit the spread of fracturing, reservoir, hydrocarbon phase composition).
4. Questions the safety of hydrocarbon accumulations: effect of the medium, temperature and pressure, and redox conditions of the sedimentary cover and basement on the composition and transformation of primary hydrocarbon systems.
5. The laws and regularities of deep oil and gas potential of mineral resources; unconventional oil and gas accumulation zone (gornoskladchatye field shields of the ancient platforms, the foundation of the ancient and young platforms, ocean bed, oceanic and continental rift zones), prediction criteria and the prospects for their oil and gas.
6. Criteria and methods of forecasting of oil and gas potential of mineral resources; methods of quantifying the resource potential (methods for evaluating predictive D resources) and Neftegas subsurface geological zoning.
7. Mathematical modeling of physical and chemical processes of oil and gas and geological conditions of oil and gas in the Earth's crust and upper mantle; software simulation of hydrocarbon systems.
8. Methods and technology of prospecting, exploration and development of deep oil.
9. Methods and technologies of oil and gas deposits in view of their resources zobnovlyaemosti; the impact of technology on the geological environment with the goal of restoring resources depleted oil and gas fields.
Reports of the participants of the conference are published "Deep oil" on the Ezine site at: http://journal.deepoil.ru/.