
Yu. V. Kozlenko, M. V. Kozlenko
Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Applying GPSmonitoring data it's calculated that the Bransfield Strait forming as a rift structure may have been start within the interval 26—37 Ma last ago, i.e. the Late Paleogene — Early Neogene. Trough valley border displacement vectors analysis relatively to rift axis allowed to precise the term of the Strait forming — 28.4 Ma. (N1a Neogene Aquitanian age). 
Ris. 1. Batimetricheskaya karta rajona issledovanij. Punktirnoj liniej oboznachen sredin nyj hrebet 
Ris. 2. Sejsmicheskie modeli po profilyam GSZ: a — № 3, b — № 17 po [Janik, 1997]. Znacheniya Vr v km/s 
Ris. 3. Sovmeshchenie bortov troga Bransfild. Sushchestvuyushchee polozhenie: 1 — beregovoj li nii; 2 — brovki shel'fa. Smeshchennoe polozhenie: 3 — beregovoj linii; 4 — brovki shel'fa. 5 — predpolagaemaya liniya raskola troga; 6 — vektory otnositel'nogo peremeshcheniya na punk tah GPSnablyudenij v rajone antarkticheskih stancij: A — Artigas, D — Dzhubani, P — Ka pitan Arturo Prat, U — Grejt Uoll; 7 — smeshchenie stancij 
Ris. 4. Opredelenie vremeni obrazovaniya proliva Bransfild putem rascheta raskhozhdeniya protivopolozhnyh bortov troga. 1 — beregovaya liniya sovremennaya; 2 — brovka shel'fa sovre mennaya; 3 — beregovaya liniya peremeshchennaya; 4 — brovka shel'fa peremeshchennaya; 5 — liniya riftovogo raskola sovremennaya; 6 — liniya riftovogo raskola pervonachal'naya; 7 — vektory obshchego peremeshcheniya So otdel'nyh tochek v hode ehvolyucii; 8 — vektory riftinga Sri; 9 — vektory rotacionnogo dvizheniya Sro 
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