V.M. Shestopalov, A.N. Makarenko
Scientific and engineering center of radiohydrogeoecological polygon studies of NASU, Kiev
Life on the Earth arose in the intertidal region at the junction of land and sea during evolution of organic substance under the influence of cosmic ionizing radiation, in cold conditions close to freezing. Cold environment, as well as strong lunar tides and gentle landscapes contributed to concentration of organics within the intertidal zone (the lateral) of the primary ocean. Volcanic eruptions and deposition (accretion) of interplanetary dust could serve as the sources of organic substance. The intensity maxima of ionizing radiation, organic revenues and other factors supposedly took place 3.8—4.1 billion years ago that also corresponds to the biological data on life birth. Apparently, there existed a special epoch with maximum probability of life appearance, when the facilitating factors affected with the utmost force. This refers both to the Earth and possibly other locations in the Universe.
Keywords: biogenesis, external conditions of biogenesis, tidallyradiational hypothese of the origin of life
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