S.E. Shnyukov, I.I. Lazareva, E.A. Khlon, A.V. Mitrokhin, V.P. Morozenko, D.F. Marchenkov, Yu.E. Nikanorova, V.Yu. Osipenko
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
Modern state of active Deception Island volcano (Western Antarctica) geological and geochemical study was considered. A new representative geochemical data set for pre and postcaldera rocks (n = 204) as well as for marine sediments of caldera (Port Foster) (n = 34) was formed. Test checking of the recently obtained analytical data via the set of reference samples confirms its validity for geo chemical modeling of Deception volcano magmatic system as well as corresponding magmatic hydrothermal one.
Ris. 1. Poziciya vulkanicheskogo kompleksa ostrova Desepshen v zone aktivnogo zadugovogo spredinga proliva Bransvil'd i rel'ef ego dna [26, 38]
Ris. 2. Geologicheskaya karta ostrova Desepshen [41]: 1 — neraschlenennye morennye, allyuvi al'nye, plyazhnye otlozheniya i osypi 2 — dokal'dernye obrazovaniya 3 — postkal'dernye obrazovaniya 4 — granica kal'dery 5 — krupnye kratery 6 — nebol'shie kratery
Ris. 3. Laguna ostrova Desepshen: temperatura vody (a), fumarol'naya aktivnost' (b): 1 — podvodnye tektonicheskie narusheniya, 2 — razlomy i treshchiny, 3 — aktivnye fumaroly, 4 — podvodnye proyavleniya fumarol'noj aktivnosti, 5 — tufovye konusy izverzhenij 196770 gg. i bolee rannie, sootvetstvenno; sejsmicheskij profil' (v), gipoteticheskij geologicheskij razrez (g) i raspredelenie nekotoryh himicheskih ehlementov v poverhnostnom sloe ee don nyh osadkov (d) po dannym [39]
Ris. 4. Vulkanicheskie porody ostrova Desepshen: sopostavlenie rezul'tatov analiza kontrol' nyh standartnyh obrazcov (SO) s attestovannymi v nih znacheniyami koncentracij petrogennyh (a) i mikroehlementov (b); variacii znachenij otnosheniya FeO/Fe2O3 (v) i koncentracij P2O5 (g)
Tablica 1. Nekotorye predstavitel'nye sostavy vulkanitov do i postkal'dernogo ehtapov razvitiya ostrova Desepshen v formate sozdannogo banka dannyh
Tablica 2. Nekotorye predstavitel'nye sostavy vulkanogennyh osadkov kal'dery ostrova Desepshen (Port Foster) v formate sozdannogo banka dannyh
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