D.P. Dimitrov
Institute of Oceanology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Varna, Bulgaria
Numerous radiocarbon (14C) dating organic material of mollusk and bottom sediments were made. Objective of the research was absolute age determinination for geocatastrofic occurense and the beginning of sapropele formation. It took place in geochronological interval — 8—9 thousand years. Holocene and LatePleistocene strata is stratified. Many drills of the shelf and its periphery in the bar zone, where the most complete cross-section of the Upper Pleistocene sediments was established, underwent radiocarbon datings to determine the age of sediments (table 1). The published results from the estimates of the absolute age of sediments on the coast and in the northwestern part of the shelf (Semenenko, Koyumdzhieva, Kovalyuh, 1976; Shterbakov et al., 1978) as well as in the deep valley of the Black Sea were also taken into account (Degens, Ross, 1972, Shimkus et al., 1976; Ross, Neprochnov, 1978; Dimitrov, 1978, 1982). Special attention was paid to the age segmenation of the Neoeuxinian littoral and clayey sediments, reaching highest thickness of 330 cm on the periphery of the shelf in drill 2345 (Filipova, 2003).
Key words: Radiocarbon dating (14C), shelf sediments, deep see sediments, diatoms analyses, mollusk fauna, palynological analyses.
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