
S.N. Kokh 1, S.A. Novikova 1, E.V. Sokol 1, V.N. Melenevskiy 2, N.A. Maslakov 3
1 Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics. SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 Department of Marine Geology and Sedimentary Ore Formation, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
A comprehensive study of the modern mineral-forming system of the travertine spring of Obruchev mound is presented. The spring water was derived from clayey Maikop strata during sediments maturation. Its generation temperature was estimated as 52 °C using by Mg-Li-thermometer. Travertines are characterized by heavy carbon and oxygen isotopic composition and are enriched in heavy REE. Both signatures are typical for carbonates precipitated from waters derived during methanogenesis. On the
evaporation barrier along the watercourse Na salt (mainly borates and carbonates) enriched in Mg, I, Br, Rb, Sr, and Ba precipitate. Gas (CO2 and H2S) release near surface stimulates the development of thiobacteria colonies, which generate native sulfur and sulfate-ion.
Keywords: travertine, mud volcanism, methanogenesis, sulfur bacteria, Kerch Peninsula.

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