Geology of Regions
PLETNEV S.P., SEDYSHEVA T.E. The early stages of ferromanganese ore genesis on the guyots of the Magellan Seamounts (the Pacific Ocean) 3
KOZLENKO M., KOZLENKO Yu. The structure of the lithosphere, tectonics and evolution of the Scythian Plate and adjacent structures in the section of the Bs05-22 profile (according to 2-d density modeling) 13
GORDIENKO V.V., GORDIENKO I.V., ZAVGORODNAYA O.V., LOGVINOV I.M., TARASOV V.N. On the sources of hydrocarbon deposits 30
YEMELIANOV V.O., NASEDKIN Ye.I. Heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Tendrivska bay 53
YEMELIANOV V.O., KULAHA T.B. History and prospects of research of the Black Sea estuaries 64
International cooperation
SHCHYPTSOV O.A. Future decade of ocean science: prospects of interaction of Ukraine with the intergovernmental oceanographic commission of UNESCO 76
History of science
POLOVKA S.G., MATKOVSKA S.I., POLOVKA O.A., DOVBISH S.M. Arkhangelsky Andrei Dmitrievich (to the 140th anniversary of birth) 83
SHATALOV N.N. Discoverer of coal deposits in the polar region. To the 125th anniversary of the geologist P.I. Savenko 89