V.A. Yemelianov, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Dr. Sci. (Geol. & Mineral.), Senior Research Scientist, Director
SSI “MorGeoEcoCenter” of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
55b, O. Honchara str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01054
ORCID 0000-0002-8972-0754
Ye.I. Nasedkin, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Senior Research Scientist
SSI “MorGeoEcoCenter” of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
55b, O. Honchara str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01054
ORCID 0000-0003-2633-9291
The article describes several research results of geoecological direction, which included field sampling of bottom sediments, soils, coastal sediments at different sites within the territory of the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve NAS of Ukraine, in particular, the Tendrivska and Yahorlitska bays. The complex of the laboratory works included determination of chemical, microelement, particle size distribution composition of samples and study of their material characteristics on a scanning electron microscope.
The study of the ecological state of the Reserve’s bottom sediments, as well as comparison of pollutant content in sediments of various parts of the protected water area was based, in particular, on determining the concentrations a few heavy metals (copper, nickel, zinc, lead, tin). The choice of research objects was determined by the peculiarities of the organization of agricultural activities within the arable lands bordering the boundaries of this reserve. The results obtained showed a significant impact of the geomorphological structure of the area and hydrodynamic characteristics of certain areas of the water area within it on the distribution of the material component of bottom sediments. The mineral and particle-size composition of bottom sediments should be considered the main factor in the uneven distribution of microelement concentrations, which in turn is determined by the location of zones of coastal erosion and sediment accumulation. Insignificant relative excesses of the copper content in the surface layer of the bottom sediments of the water area, fixed in the northern part of the Tendrivska Bay, can be connected with the discharge of fresh water from the network of canals, which is part of the agro complexes for rice cultivation, as well as “tailings” of water from the water supply systems of the Krasnoznam’yanska irrigation system. Studies have also shown that the content of most heavy metals in the upper layer of bottom sediments in the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve is lower than the average figures for modern Black Sea bottom sediments presented in literature sources.
Keywords: heavy metals, bottom sediments, reserve, geoecological studies, Black Sea water area.
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