Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2018, 14 (1): 35-45
V.L. Lomtev
Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Far East Division RAS, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
Slides & slumps in submarine margins in the Pasadena orogeny epoch
The status of knowledge of the geography, structure, age and formation preconditions of submarine land-slides in active and passive continental margins is reviewed. Their classification and nomenclature, gravity stability of slopes, tendencies of continental margin evolution in the Pasadena orogeny epoch (0,5— 1 ma ago) are considered. It is shown that irreversible and uncompensated deepening of the ocean and increase in the earth's relief contrast in Cenozoic, and especially in Quaternary, caused global gravity instability of submarine continental margins and wide spread fall-slide events and their related gravity sedimentary flows and/or avalanches. Liquefaction and fluidization favour transformation of destructive slides into debris and turbidity flows of various viscosities with transportation of sediments over hundreds of kilometers. High landslide concentration zones are revealed in submarine margins. Unlike subaerial slopes, the steepness of submarine slopes is not the decisive criterion of their gravity stability.
Keywords: continental margin, sedimentary cover, slide, slump, debris flow, Pasadena orogeny epoch.
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