Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2017, 13 (4): 41-53
Ye.F. Shnyukov1, V.V. Yanko2
The Black Sea is geologically well studied. A number of gas fields have been identified and are currently being exploited
industrially. At the same time, the geologic data on degassing of the basin’s seabed show the grandiose scale of its gas content.
Thousands of gas seeps and numerous mud volcanoes expel jets of methane as high as 1300 m, including debris from gas hydrates
(predominantly methane) and oil. There is a clear contradiction, on the one hand, between the power of the mud volcanoes and the
large number of gas seeps that erupt huge amounts of methane, and, on the other hand, the relatively low efficiency of current
exploration on oil and gas. Under these conditions, the question automatically arises about revising the dogmas surrounding the
biogenic origin of hydrocarbons. The roots of the Black Sea mud volcanoes have been traced down to the Mesozoic and even
beyond to the Moho boundary. Their mud volcanic breccia contains many fluidogenic minerals and aggregates-spherules of
globular shape. This indicates the obvious involvement of deep processes in the formation of mud volcanoes and therefore an
inorganic origin of oil in the Black Sea. It is proposed that we return to the old idea of I.M. Gubkin and search for hydrocarbons
near the mud volcanoes, but to do this with a new recognition of the possible origin of mud volcanoes as a product of deep embedded fluids.
Keywords: Black Sea, mud volcanoes, hydrocarbons, methane, volcanic breccia, fluids.
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