V.V. Gordienko, Dr. Sci. (Geol.& Mineral.), Professor, Head of Department
S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
32, Palladin ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03142
ORCID 0000-0002-5619-0486 Scopus authorId=7102473958
L.Ya. Gordienko, Research Scientist
S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
32, Palladin ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03142
A new element is included in the study of velocity sections of the upper mantle of regions of continents, oceans, and transition zones with different endogenous regimes (according to the advection-polymorphic hypothesis — APH). This is the flanking plateaus (FP) of the mid-ocean ridges (MOR). It is assumed that these regions underwent the process of oceanization in the Mesozoic along with other parts of the oceans. In the Neogene MORs were formed. Significant parts of the basins were engulfed in modern activation, including magmatism. Between these parts of the oceans, relatively narrow strips (200—300 km wide) have survived, which some authors refer to as flanking plateaus. They are located at the edges of the MOR. FP did not experience young activization. This is indicated by the features of the bottom topography, magnetic, gravitational and thermal fields, and a velocity section of the upper horizons of the mantle.
An element of checking the nature of the FP can be the construction of a velocity section of the mantle beneath these regions. According to the APH, it should differ from the neighboring ones by the increased velocity of seismic waves in the upper about 200 km. The experimental data for such work turned out to be extremely small. It was possible to build only one travel-time, using data on the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean. Insignificant information was also attracted on the southern part of the East Pacific Rise and the Mid-Indian Ridge. The travel-time corresponds to the velocity section, which completely coincides with the forecast. The latter was calculated according to the heat and mass transfer scheme in the APH version and the thermal model of the mantle.
The velocity section of the FP mantle does not contain indications of a partial melting layer. Consequently, there should be no manifestations of young magmatism in FP. Verification showed that in most of the studied fragments of MOR this is true.
Keywords: midocean ridges, flanking plateaus, velocity sections of the upper mantle.
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