SOBISEVICH A.L. Understanding the deep underground structureof the Mount Karabetov mud volcano 3-13
RYBAK O.M., PARYSHEV O.O., GRISHCHENKO N.O. New data on seasonal minerals of mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan 14-18
GORDIENKO V.V., GORDIENKO L.YA. Velocity model of the upper mantle of the flanking plateaus of mid-oceanic ridges 19-31
LOMAKIN I.E., E.A. SARVIROV, KOCHELAB V.V. Current issues of search of gold placers in the south of Ukraine 32-40
NAUMENKO O.D. Clastic heterofacial sediments in the sedimentary complexes of the southern oil and gas region of Ukraine 41-48
SHATALOV N.N. Pavlo Stefanovich Voronov — honorary polar geologist (to the 100th anniversary of birth) 49-63