Marine hydrogeology
IEMELIANOV V.O., KIRIAKOV P.O., RYBAK O.M., O.O. PARISHEV O.O., MASLAKOV M.O., KLOCHKOV S.V. Brief research history and modern knowledge of the phenomenon of submarine groundwater discharge on the sea and ocean shelves 3
IVANCHENKO V.V., IEMELIANOV V.O., IVANCHENKO A.V., BELITSKA M.V. Influence of authigenous mineral aggregates and clusters for the processes of natural and technological sedimentogenesis 16
Research methods
VERPAKHOVSKA O.O., KOBOLEV V.P., PYLYPENKO V.M. Finite-difference modeling of the wavefield on the seismometry observations on NW Black Sea shelf 27
SKVORTSOV V.V. The map of the bottom relief of the Sea of Azov 40
History of marine research
SOLOVYOV V.D., BAKHMUTOV V.G. Marine geophysical research in the first Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions: historical outline and some results 44