Yu.I. Inozemtsev, O.O. Paryshev, G.Yu. Knyazhevsky, M.O. Maslakov, O.M. Rybak
This paper describe the results of the Black and Azov seas shelf exploration, performed during the expeditionary works of 1973—1992 at the “Geokhimik” research vessel under the guidance of Academician Ye.F. Shnyukov. The specialized geological vessel was equipped with a drilling rig capable of drilling in the sea at a depth of 30—40 m and drilling wells with a complete extraction of the core to a depth of 100 m. There was drilled hundreds of wells in the Azov Sea, on the shelf of Russia and Georgia, in the northwest part and the Bulgarian Black Sea shelf.
The drilling materials made it possible to create a fundamental cycle of monographs “Shelf Geology of the USSR” (1981—1987), awarded with the USSR State Award in Science and Technology. According to the results of marine research, the thickness of the Quaternary shelf cover, lithological composition, engineering geological and lithodynamic characteristics of coastal marine formations were studied.
In the Kalamitskyy Gulf, the Rion site and the Bulgarian shelf iron manganese nodules, their material composition and genesis were studied, and the multilayer structure of the ore-bearing layer was determined. An industrial assessment of the reserves of quartz sand, which is one of the important economic minerals on the Black Sea shelf, has been carried out.
The characteristics of Cimmerian iron ores of the Azov - Black Sea Province are given. The contours of its development have been outlined, the limits of iron ore distribution on the western part of the Black Sea shelf have been specified. Modern placers of heavy minerals in coastal marine sediments of the Black and Azov seas have been studied, and two types of their mineral composition have been identified. When solving engineering-geological problems in different waters near the Caucasus coast, the laws of dynamics and stability of the coastal zone, underwater canyons, morphology and lithological structure of the shelf zone have been studies.
Keywords: “Geokhimik” research vessel, Black Sea, Azov Sea, shelf, iron manganese nodules, sands.
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