This year's first issue of the international scientific-theoretical periodical "Geology and Minerals of the World Ocean", founded 15 years ago on the initiative of Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Yevhen Fyodorovich Shnyukov, permanent editor-in-chief, who turned 90 on March 26.
Yevhen Fedorovich's scientific interests cover a wide range of problems of modern geological science, among them - the formation of sedimentary deposits of minerals, mud volcanism, geological structure and mineral resources of the oceans, including the Azov-Black Sea basin. He is the founder of the world-famous scientific school of marine geology and sedimentary ore formation. In this issue, we offer you a number of publications of his colleagues with an emphasis on the results of research conducted personally by the jubilee or under his leadership, which have gained wide popularity in the scientific community of our country and abroad.
Yevhen Fedorovych Shnyukov is not only an outstanding figure of science, but also a kind and sincere person, a real citizen of Ukraine. On behalf of the editorial board of the magazine, I congratulate him on his anniversary and wish him many years of life and good health.