I.А. Suchkov
Major part of publications, which are dedicated to ferromanganese formations, consider ferromanganese nodules as well. Though, the spectrum of ocean ferromanganese ore genesis is much wider. It includes nodules, buried nodules, microconcretions, crusts, crustslike formations. This article is dedicated to the studies of all forms of ocean ferromanganese ore genesis by the example of the Indian Ocean. Detailed data about mineralogical and chemical composition, as well as morphology and inner structure was obtained from the samples, collected during surveys in the Indian Ocean, which were carried out by Odesa National I.I.Mechnikov University. Xray diffraction method was used. The chemical composition was determined by atomic absorption and Xray fluorescent spectral analysis. The data about distribution, morphology, chemical and mineralogical composition of ferromanganese formations, as well as crystalchemical features of manganese minerals, which constitute these formations is presented in this article. Analysis of the mineralogical composition of formations of different origin allowed to allocate their mineralogical types. The allocation of these types is based on mineralogical associations and crystalchemical features of the minerals, which constitute them. Sedimentological (hydrogenous) formations (concretions and crusts) are made of iron and manganese hydrous oxides with irregular pseudo layered structure. Sedimentological and diagenetic ore formations (concretions) are made of hydrous oxides of manganese with layered type of crystal structure and mobile interlayer space, e.g. buzerit, mixedbedded asbolanbuzerit. Diagenetic ore formations (concretions and micro concretions) are made of hydrous oxides of manganese with layered type of crystal structure and mobile interlayer space (buzerit, mixedlayered asbolanbuzerit), as well as of ordered hydrous oxides with layered structure — bernessit. Hydrothermalsedimentological ore formations are characterized by the presence of ordered, layered, hydrous oxides (bernessit) as well as manganese minerals with tunnel type of crystal structure (todorokit, pirolyusit). Reconsideration of existing data about mineralogical composition of ocean ferromanganese formations allowed estimating manganese ore genesis in its all aspects as a characteristic feature of oceanic sedimentogenesis, from a new angle.
Keywords: ferromanganese deposits, mineralogical composition, the Indian Ocean.
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