S.P. Pletnev
Carried out to description of typical rocks is in the base of the sedimentary cover on the Magellan seamountains. The upper part of the volcanic basement of guyots is overlapped by the Aptian shallow reef deposits. They are represented by terrigenous (beach) and organic-chemical (coral, shelland-detritus and oolitic) carbonate rocks. These deposits are almost continuous ring encircles the Western part of the Fedorov Guyot, Ilyicheva, satellite buildings of the Alba and Pallada Guyots from the edge of the summit plateau to the depths of 2500—3000 m. Below, they are replaced by planktonic (nanoforaminifers) sediments and breccias. The appearance of pelagic limestone associated with higher oceanic level in Late Campanian transgression. There are squares of the exposure of reef and planktonogenic rocks to 200 km2 in the study guyots.
Keywords: guyots of the Magellan Mountains; Santonian, Campanian and Maastrichtian sedimentary rocks, Pacific Ocean.
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