Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2018, 14 (1): 83-96
Yu. Kozlenko, M. Kozlenko
Institute of Geophysics NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Representation validity check by velocity models of Bransfield strait earth's crust structure
For the first time combined bottom bathymetry schemes and gravity field anomalies in the free air of the Bransfield Strait (Western Antarctica), constructed by the authors according to international online surveys, are published.
Density modeling of three variants of the seismic section along the DSS-1 profile in the Bransfield Strait has been carried out. The results of calculations showed that for an equally good solution of the kinematic and dynamic problem of all modifications of the velocity model, the observed field can be satisfactorily selected only in one case.
On the basis of the work done, it was concluded that when gravitational modeling should not blindly use the result of only one wave calculation, it is necessary to involve other data for the region under investigation and not be afraid, if necessary, to change the initial cut. The criterion for the correct reflection of the structure of the lithosphere in the density model should not be its maximum approximation to seismic, as some researchers believe, but the geological-tectonic validity of the resulting structure for a sufficiently accurate selection of the observed field.
Keywords: Bransfield Strait, velocity section, density model, gravity field, bottom relief.
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