

Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean 2017, 13 (4): 12-25

V.O. Yemelianov

​Institute of Institute of Geological Sciences NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

In the article, based on the geoecosystem approach and analysis of published works on the Ocean and Human Health problem, is considered the state of studying of various issues of the influence of the geoecosystem of the World Ocean (hereinafter Ocean), as well as its global subsystems – aerial, aquatic and geological – on human health. Understanding of the ways of solving this problem requires knowledge of the structural composition and properties of the main physical media (gas, liquid and solid) of the global subsystems of the Ocean, the features of their functioning and accompanying processes. It is the physical properties of these environments of the subsystems of the Ocean, as well as the biological, geological and ecological features of the latter, their mineral, balneological, recreational, food and other resources, climatic processes and phenomena whose dynamics and power are due to the interaction of adjacent subsystems of the Ocean and Land, in their coastal parts particularly, have a complex, sometimes decisive impact on human health. For the Ukraine as a marine state, it is necessary to develop deeper and comprehensive studies of the influence of the geoecological systems of the Black and Azov Seas as constituent parts of the Ocean geoecosystem, on the health of the population, as well as various aspects of socio-economic effects of this influence.
Keywords: geoecosystems, subsystems, marine water area.

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