
S.V. Goshovskyi, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher

State Institution «Scientific Hydrophysical Center of the NAS of Ukraine»

Academician Glushkov Ave., 42, Kyiv, Ukraine

E-mail: oceanjournal@ukr.net

ORCID 0000-0002-8312-6244

O.V. Zurian, PhD, Senior Researcher

Institute of Renewable Energy of the NAS of Ukraine

20-А, Hnat Khotkevich st., Kyiv, Ukraine

E-mail: alexey_zuryan@ukr.net

ORCID 0000-0002-2391-1611


The problem of increasing the concentration in the atmosphere of one of the dangerous heat gases - methane, the main component of natural gas. Many countries, especially the developed world, are now experiencing a trend towards tougher heat gas emissions and growing interest in low-carbon technologies, including the introduction of sustainable development, energy efficiency and the development of technologies to reduce heat gas emissions. The main natural and anthropogenic sources of methane emissions are given. The analysis of the ratio of anthropogenic and natural methane emissions was performed, the ratio of different emission sources was estimated. The focus is on total methane emissions in the atmosphere and increasing methane concentrations in recent years. It is scientifically substan@ tiated that one of the sources of degassing of the Earth is the leakage of methane from the seabed of the world’s oceans to the water surface. The main sources of methane emissions from the seabed have been identified. These include: mud volcanoes; macro- and micro-impregnations, geothermal underwater springs and igneous volcanoes (smokers). The literature data on various approaches used to study the formation of methane flows and estimate its global emissions by different geological sources are summarized and analyzed. The ratio of CH4 emissions to terrestrial and marine geological sources has been established. Factors influencing methane emissions from geological sources are substantiated. Possible ways to reduce emissions of geological origin into the atmosphere are suggested. It is concluded that further research on the development of methodological and technical means of collecting, transporting and storing methane from offshore unconventional hydrocarbon deposits is promising.

Keywords: methane, methane emissions, low-carbon technologies, degassing of the Earth.


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