On behalf of Editorial Board 5
E. F. SHNYUKOV, V. I. STAROSTENKO, VP. KOBOLEV. Marine geological and geophysical investigation in Ukraine: realities and prospects 18
A. M. IVANOVA. E. N. KREYTER. Fine-dispersed gold on the shelves of the World Ocean 30
V. M. ANDREEV, D. D. TUGOLESOV, S. N. CHRENOV. Mud volcanoes and oil and gas manifestations in the Russian sector of the Black Sea 50
A. F. LIMONOV, A. A. BELOVA. The Mediterranean Sea mud volcanism in content of its geodynamic state 60
E. F. SHNYUKOV, V. A. KUTNIY, N. A. MASLAKOV, E. E. SHNYUKOVA. On mineralogy of carbonate formations of methane emissions of the Black Sea 69
M. I. EVDOSCHUK. Theory and practice of search and exploitation of hydrocarbon aggregative type fields in the Black Sea 82
A. V. OMELCHUK, V. H. GEVORKYAN. Cobalt-manganese concretion-crust formations on submarine mountains of the Emperor Ridge (Pacific Ocean) 89
O. D. NAUMENKO, V. P. STRIJAK, P. M. KORJNEV. New ideas of genesis of local relief elevations on Kerch peninsula 98
L. I. GONTOVAYA, V. V. GORDIENKO. Deep processes in the mantle of East Kamchatka and Kronotsky gulf and their geophysics models 107
S.G. POLOVKA. Ukrainian submarine scientific research fleet 122
Repaved book 133
RIA "Novosty" reports 136
PATALAHA Eugene Ivanovich 137